Breed and Gender please?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 14, 2012
This was supposed to be a Columbian Rock but we got two from TSC and this one looks very different from the other! I *think* it's a silver laced wyandotte but will you all please tell me? I bow to your expertise. :) Chickie is between 6 and 7 weeks old.

Also, pullet or roo? PLEASE SAY PULLET!! ;) lol

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Hah! So it looks like I may be righton the breed. But someone thinks its a cockerel, and the others think pullet. Any more ideas? Please?
YES! Thats 3 to 1. I'll post more pics as SHE (!!) get's older to confirm. YAYAYAY!!! I was convinced from 2 weeks that I had a little boy on my hands. I guess SLW get red sooner than other breeds?
I agree on slw for the breed, but I think you have a young rooster. Can you get a pic of it standing naturally, a profile shot including legs?

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