Breed and gender?


In the Brooder
Jun 28, 2015
Prestwick, Scotland.
Hey folks, I have 5 five week old birds that I need help sexing. I am still unsure of the breed but believe it to be an australorp mix (you'll see in the photos). The help would be much appreciated, thank you!

Chick 1


Chick 2


Chick 3


Chick 4


Chick 5

Chicks 1,2, and 3 are definitely cockerels. Even though it doesn't have any comb to speak of, based on the size and redness of its wattles at 5 weeks, I think chick 4 is a cockerel as well. Chick 5 looks to me like your only pullet.
Thanks for the reply! If that is the case and chick 5 is the only pullet then it is of course slightly disappointing, but hey ho nothing can be done. I'll be keeping one cockerel just not sure which one. Do you have any opinion/idea on the breed?
I have to agree with Michael, they all look like definite cockerels except your last one chick 5, which looks like a definite pullet. Sorry :/ and I have one hen that looks exactly like chick 5, she's all black with some brown speckles on her chest. Let me check on her breed real quick. ;)
I have to agree with Michael, they all look like definite cockerels except your last one chick 5, which looks like a definite pullet. Sorry :/ and I have one hen that looks exactly like chick 5, she's all black with some brown speckles on her chest. Let me check on her breed real quick. ;)

These things happen, one pullet is better than none hahaha. Got some new eggs of two different breeds ready to be incubated so we'll be hoping for more pullers next time! That'd be great with the identification if you have the breed tho, thanks!
Thanks for the reply! If that is the case and chick 5 is the only pullet then it is of course slightly disappointing, but hey ho nothing can be done. I'll be keeping one cockerel just not sure which one. Do you have any opinion/idea on the breed?

You're welcome, and I'm sorry. :eek:(
Ok I'm sorry it took me so long to get back, but it looks like they are all black sex links. They can have their whole chest covered with brown speckles at some times. Hope this helps :) And so sorry that they are all cockerels accept one. :( If it makes you feel any better, in my last batch of baby's that I hatched 3 out of four that hatched turned out to be cockerels, and the only girl we named hope. We hoped she was a pullet! :p
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Ok I'm sorry it took me so long to get back, but it looks like they are all black sex links. They can have their whole chest covered with brown fathers at some times. Hope this helps
And so sorry that they are all cockerels accept one.
If it makes you feel any better, in my last batch a baby's that I hatched 3 out of four that hatched turned out to be cockerels, and the only girl we named hope. We hoped she was a pullet!
Male black sexlinks are barred. These chicks are not sexlinks. They are mixed breeds
Ok I'm sorry it took me so long to get back, but it looks like they are all black sex links. They can have their whole chest covered with brown speckles at some times. Hope this helps
And so sorry that they are all cockerels accept one.
If it makes you feel any better, in my last batch of baby's that I hatched 3 out of four that hatched turned out to be cockerels, and the only girl we named hope. We hoped she was a pullet!
While I agree that they are all cockerels except the last one, the birds in his pics cannot be Black Sex Link cockerels as BSL cockerels are barred and none of his birds are barred. Only female Black Sex Links are black with copper or brownish feathers in the neck area. As Hawkesy stated, they look like Black Australorp mixes.
Ok I'm sorry it took me so long to get back, but it looks like they are all black sex links. They can have their whole chest covered with brown speckles at some times. Hope this helps :) And so sorry that they are all cockerels accept one. :( If it makes you feel any better, in my last batch of baby's that I hatched 3 out of four that hatched turned out to be cockerels, and the only girl we named hope. We hoped she was a pullet! :p

Thank you for looking! Its our first batch so who knows next time it could be the other way around, fingers crossed hahaha!
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