Breed and sex these please?

Take your hand and place it behind the feathers. Females have short tight feathers around the neck a lot of the time. At this age most males already have visible hackle and saddle feathers. Also look closer to where the neck meets the back instead of at the base of the head throat area.

Yes I see, I think they're still too small to see, I can't really tell
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That barring pattern looks more like a dominquer but the straight comb doesn't add up. It's hard to tell from this picture but I don't see any saddle feathers. Those are possibly pullets.

You can see the thin saddle feathers developing on this young Doniquer.
Okay guys here's a picture from today!

Pretty sure the one in the middle is a rooster but he has yet to crow, and I have ZERO eggs. Barred rocks or no?

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