Breed gender verify pls

x2, and it appears your "Cuckoo Marans" is a Dominique--it's hard to tell by the pic, but it looks like the bird has a Rose comb, not a single comb, so it would be a Dominique.
I don't think so....I think her "cuckoo marans" is a Barred Rock. But the first one is most likely a Buff Orpington. And the one in the fourth pic....all black with a red comb and wattles....Looks like a Black Australorp. Do you guys think the last one could be some kind of Legbar?
by the way for anyone who is reading this...can you please read my article "My Hen Has A White Tongue!"? because i really need help with that and i have been waiting for a couple days...
this is what i ordered plus 2 mixes
1 Jersey Giant pullet
1buff orpington pullet
1 Andalusian pullet

1 Barred Rock roo
1 blue black splash orpington roo
1 cuckoo marans pullet


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