Breed help please


11 Years
Jul 29, 2012
I had my 19 year old son pick out chick's for me from TSC as my own hatching is not giving me as many pullets as I'd like.

I love my Easter Eggers and he said they had them, but they were in same bin that also had leghorns... I said make sure you only get ones with the fluffy cheeks, if they don't have the fluffier cheeks their not EEs. He said they had six, so I told them to grab them for me as long as it's listed as pullets, not straight run.

Now we all know people pick up chicks and maybe don't put them back where they should be, so I'm stumped as to what he brought me home...

He and his girlfriend brought home 12 chicks, she asked if she could also get some "rustic rocks" they're cute she said... ok OK go head. They also had Brahmas so I said go ahead and get me a couple those too, as long as the chick's they're picking out are from pullet only selections. Don't want any straight runs!

I see the rustic rocks are like Barred Rocks, OK cool I'm good with that. I can tell which 2 are my Brahmas... BUT the 6 so called EEs are definitely NOT EEs.

They all came out of same bin, they all look alike for most part except 2 have feathered feet, and they have random spot or 2 of black on their yellow feathers.

I've researched and researched and from what I gather, they are possibly California White chick's but 2 have feathered feet and those 2 I don't think have the obvious black spots but maybe just a bit of color coming through on the wings maybe...

Posting pictures. Please, only if you're SURE what these chick's are, comment.

I wanted to be sure to give as much detail as possible. They said California White chick's weren't even an option, the sign listed the following available chick's:

Rustic Rocks
Brahmas (unsure which type)
Salmon Favorelles (spelling??)
Leghorns (really hoping their not!)

And, last pic is one the brahma chicks, what type is this? I've never had them before.

I have had chickens since 2012. I know many my breeds fairly well, but I'm really stumped with these 6 yellow ones especially the 2 yellow chicks with feathered legs.

I agree with you that the white ones without feathered legs are California Whites.
The white ones with feathered legs, do they have five toes? If so, they must be Salmon Faverolles.
The Brahma is a Light Brahma.
Its pretty common for TSC to mix up breeds, so you could have something that wasn't on the signs, or they weren't even supposed to get.
thank you, no I also checked toes and I didn't see 5. I was hopefully they were the Favorelles, but I'm stumped.
These chicks would likely have come from Hoover's Hatchery, which does list California whites. Rustic Rocks are not listed on the website but I'm pretty sure these are from Hoover's as well. So, mystery solved with the spotted ones with clean legs.

However, California whites do not have feathered legs, so those two are something else. Check the comb type. I suspect they have pea combs and are either paler light Brahmas or some type of olive egger.
Thank you. I believe all the yellow chick's have a straight comb, but I'll look again later today to verify as I didn't look closely at their comb.
I agree with you that the white ones without feathered legs are California Whites.
The white ones with feathered legs, do they have five toes? If so, they must be Salmon Faverolles.
The Brahma is a Light Brahma.
Its pretty common for TSC to mix up breeds, so you could have something that wasn't on the signs, or they weren't even supposed to get.
These chicks would likely have come from Hoover's Hatchery, which does list California whites. Rustic Rocks are not listed on the website but I'm pretty sure these are from Hoover's as well. So, mystery solved with the spotted ones with clean legs.

However, California whites do not have feathered legs, so those two are something else. Check the comb type. I suspect they have pea combs and are either paler light Brahmas or some type of olive egg
Feathered legs indicate possible marans, brahmas, or cochins. Maybe look at Hoover's website chick identification specifically at those 3 breeds? Lighter coloring suggests they're white or possibly buff of one of those breeds.

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