breed selection help needed :)


Just'a small town girl
8 Years
Aug 4, 2011
chicken checklist:
-Unique, gonna be used for 4h and I want diversity in my flock
-lays reasonably
-can tolerate hot and cold
-friendly disposition, again it will be used for 4h

this is my expectations for my next chicks. Recommendations needed on breeds that fit these standards.
p.s. most of my current flock are standard sized
Thank You
I have read many good things on BYC on speckled sussex. That is a breed I want in the future. I have barred rocks, welsummers, and buff orpingtons among others that fit your needs.
My barred rocks seem to tolerate the heat better than the others, but they are a bit bossy... They are the first to go after treats and are everyday layers, even in 100+ degree heat. I don't think they'll ever have to worry about prolonged periods of cold weather. On a side note, our golden campine is a very pretty bird, a bit flighty, but she lays almost every day. Her eggs are small, but tasty!
I would go with ancona,because they are laying machines and are great show birds.The rose combed variety are least likely to have frost-bite.
Hi, I am new to chickens in general but did a lot of research before picking my breed. I am a big fan of light sussex. They seem to fit all of your criteria. I gave my first hatching to a friend of mine with two small children that handled them all the time. They are considered dual purpose and can put out up to 260 eggs a year. With the black on white I think they are very striking and would do well in 4H.

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