
8 Years
Aug 1, 2011
South Carolina
So I just moved back to my old house where I used to keep chickens. (There wasn't enough room for chickens at my previous house) and I am planning on building a new coop and getting 15 chickens. I have looked at different online hatcheries and Ideal seems the best option. Right now, I am planning on getting 5 Cuckoo Marans, 4 Ameracaunas, 2 Leghorns, 2 Golden Laced Wyandottes and 2 Silver Laced Wyandottes. What I need help with, is I need suggestions and comments on these breeds (and number of each breed) for these qualities.

I want to raise chickens for eggs, and a little bit for pets. (But mostly for eggs). I would like to have a varied assortment of eggs, and so I would like to have Dark Brown eggs, Blue/green eggs, and White eggs. (light brown eggs are also fine.) I chose the Cuckoo Marans because I heard they are the best Dark Brown layers, The Ameracaunas because those seem to the best blue/green layers from ideal, and The Wyandottes for their temperment and looks.

So again, what i need is for you guys to suggest better breeds for what I am looking for, or just comment on how these breeds would be perfect. Also you don't have to stick with the amount of each or purpose of each. So maybe you could say, for example,
"I think you should get 3 ______, 6, ______ and 6 _______ because ________" or something like that. But remember I can only get 15. And yes, I understand the concept of chicken math

Thanks guys!

Edit: You can also suggest a different hatchery if you think It would suit what I am looking for better :)
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After researching all of the breeds, I chose to start with inexpensive cross-breeds which are large and lay large eggs. There is a gentleman from Elgin listing Copper Road chicks (Rhode Island Red & Black Copper Marans) on Columbia Craigs List. I have some of his chicks from November 2012, they are hardy and starting to display great color & structure. I was so satisfied with my first batch, on New Years Day, I visited and got 5 more chicks. If this may interest you, he told me that he had a batch getting ready to hatch and they may be available now. I prefer buying from an individual on-site and avoiding shipping.
If you are interested, his name is Scott @ 303-304-6217. I recommend him and his great Copper Roads.
well, the problem is, I am looking for an assortment of different chicks not just one type, and I haven't found a breeder locally that can give me as much of a variety as the online hatcheries.. If the breeder you buy from has the varieties I am looking for, I might be interested though... Thanks for the help
Additional breeders I contacted were, in Camden 803-572-1925
Has Blue Australorps, Heritage Dominiques, Dark Brahma, French & American Marans

Robert Ash near Pelion 304-488-1032 sometimes at Barnyard Flea Market in Oak Grove
Has Black Australorps, Buff Orpingtons and connections to Black Sex Links

Hopefully these will supplement any breeders that others have located.

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