Breed = Temperment?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 17, 2010
My Sex Links (who I originally thought were black leghorns) are WAY more skittish then my little RIR chicks. They are all about 5 days old. The little ones RUN all the time when I come around, the RIR chicks run UP TO ME! Does there breed have anything to do with there temperment?
Yes, some breeds tend to be more flighty than others.
My Barred Rocks are the least flighty in my brood. Then I would say that the Speckled Sussex are a bit stand-offish but not scared really. The are "flightier" than the others and really super busy all the time. The Buff Orpingtons seem more timid than the others. The Light Brahamas are just little mooses and lumber around in a more clumsy way and are a bit wary. They aren't in the groups that come up to my hands looking for food. They probably can't push past the BR and the SS! They aren't combative much and don't seem interested in jostling with the others.

Then one of four Silver Laced Wyandottes is not at all afraid of me at all, while the others just ignore me. So there are personalities even within the breeds too!

I would say that looking at all my different breeds together each little group has its own characteristics definitely
The Barred Rocks are by far the most curious and least afraid! They will climb all over my hands
Check out the breed page on the homepage; it has a lot of info on each breed including temperment. An awesome resource that helped me decide on my breeds, which I wanted great egg layers and calm docile birds that won't scare kids or attack people! All very important to me. Give it a look!
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