

Aug 13, 2019
I just received this chicken from my neighbor. It's a rooster, but I was wondering if anyone knows what breed he is?
Where, in general, are you located? Different breeds are more or less common in different countries.

Since he has yellow skin and what may be a rose comb (Can you get clear close-up photos of the comb?), I'm inclined to think that he's a Columbian Wyandotte.

But if the comb turns out to be more of a pea comb than a rose then he could be some kind of mixed breed.
Ooh. I’ve seen those. I think it might be a Delaware ? Maybe a Brahma.

Both of those look similar to OP's bird, but neither one is quite right.

A Brahma would have feathered legs.

A Delaware would have a single comb, and would have white barring visible across the black parts.

I agree with @3KillerBs that if it has a rose comb, and if it is in the USA, Columbian Wyandotte is most likely. I don't know enough about common breeds in other countries to make guesses about them.
Honest question, are we sure that his comb isn't a single comb that was lost to frost bite?
I wondered about that, but he still cannot be a Delaware because he doesn't have the white barring.

If he did have a single comb, he might be a Columbian Rock (Plymouth Rock breed, Columbian color pattern.)

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