
I know nothing of that breed?
looks like a pekin to me.
but if you knew the breed why ask ?
just look the breeds up and see which matches your duck .
It could be a pekin or an aylesbury, I have trouble telling the two apart. Pekin is more common though.
How old is the duck? Full grown? If I remember right, the Aylesbury looks like a very large Pekin but the bill is pinkish, not orange like a Pekin. Could be that yours is a cross between a Pekin and Aylesbury.
At any rate, it is a very cute duck. I love the looks of both breeds. I miss my Pekin, she was so very sweet.
i have looked at both breeds and i cant tell the difference, iam not to sure how old he is as i rescued him but i think hes about 1ish he is a stunning duck, i took him to show shows last year for the 1st time and he won his class and got res best in show i was soo proud of him
I never heard of a "White Layer". Interesting. How would you tell the diff between them and a Pekin besides the body weight? At any rate, he is a cute duckie.

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