Breeder Setups


Sep 12, 2019
Hiya looking for advice regarding the following. I have both Silkies and Pekins for the below scenarios, however this case I'll talk about silkies only.

I have several coloured 'groups' of silkies being a young male roo and a few pullets for each colour - Splash, Black, Blue, White and some silver partridge pullets, currently in one large 12m x 12m (40ftx40ft) enclosure on my section with coop, all under 6mos old. I am looking at separating these guys out in order to breed - NOT for show purposes but general good quality breeding for pets etc. My chooks are from showline breeders so am fairly confident in their genes.

Idea 1 - separate the 4 colours out completely to their own 12m x 3m runs with smaller coops. This would be Splash, Black, Blue and White with 3 silver partridge. This would be ideal for colour purposes, keeping males separate and premium coop space, however very time consuming and finance heavy!

Idea 2 - separate the group into two colours each. Two large coops (they are suitable for 8x 'normal chicken' sized coops with three nesting pens for reference) and larger 12m x 6m runs to share. Thinking, Splash and Blue together, and Black and white with s/p together. This would be a lot easier on my budget and time, and tbh the one i'm leaning towards. Obviously though then the predicted colours would be a mix bag and would have two roos together.

....Would it be ok having 2 roosters with approx 4-5 pullets each, in one shared area?
....What might a white roo and s/p hen produce?
.....WHat might a white and black mating produce?

With that set of silkies, I would probably make three groups: white, silver partridge, and one large group with all the black/blue/splash.

The reason I suggest that, is because all chicks produced should be recognizable colors, but you will have less pens to tend than if you split them into 5 groups.

I don't know for sure about the male/female ratio.

Do you already know about black, blue, and splash genetics? If not, here's a page that might help:

Edit: I see you don't have a male for the Silver Partridge. I don't know what those pullets would make if you crossed them with which colors of male.

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