Breeding and Raising and Hatching of Barnyard Chickens!!!!!!!!!!

Do you have any barnyard chickens?

  • Yes and I love to breed them

    Votes: 93 57.4%
  • Yes

    Votes: 55 34.0%
  • No and I'm glad

    Votes: 2 1.2%
  • No

    Votes: 12 7.4%

  • Total voters
Hi guys, I thought I would share this link to this thread. It eliminates the need for a heat lamp in the brooder. I will be moving our babies to their new coop and run in a little over a week using this method and wanted to share.
Thanks for sharing this! The rain we're getting this week has put a pause in my coop building, but I would definitely feel better putting all the chicks out in their grow out pen with something like this since the EcoGlow is too small now for my month old chicks.
Thanks for sharing this! The rain we're getting this week has put a pause in my coop building, but I would definitely feel better putting all the chicks out in their grow out pen with something like this since the EcoGlow is too small now for my month old chicks.
your welcome! We will quickly outgrow our current brooder by the end of next week. They will be one week tomorrow and Thursday! I have already been able to sex some of the chicks as their wing feathers come in look like three for sure. Anyway, we have no space indoor for them so this solves my problem. I ordered my heating pad (you need one that doesn't turn off) and it should be here Thursday.

Here is our gang the past couple days, we are starting on building their immunities now. They got worms from the compost bin, just a couple and then yesterday they got a plug of dirt. It was chick mayhem once they figured it out, they are too cute!


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The whole exhibition games having that standard is just wrong. I don't get why pinioning would be done in a bird who already has problems flying or is my understanding of it being done to stop them from flying not right?  Debeaking I will reserve my opinion until I know more. ;)

Pinioning is done to keep a bird from being able to lift off and take flight which would've been nice if done to my Muscovies but instead I have to clip their wings a few times a year but if I forget or if a new owner doesn't know how to they could take off and end up getting killed by the many neighbors dogs or get shot by a hunter or many other problems since their domesticated.I also disagree with some of the exhibition standards but I mean something's aren't fun but they move on like a cat getting spayed would.But I understand both point of views.
Totals are in! 38 chicks hatched out of the 39 eggs! The 39th should have hatched out, but for some reason the chick died when it was breaking out of the egg
. One chick is missing an eye, but gets around fine, there are 2 purebred dark brahmas and a lot of feather footed chicks
. Here are the pictures of them all.


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