Breeding Buff Leghorns

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I think that Dan you wil help if he can.

Greetings Arie
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Thank you all for replying, I was just wonderingwhere I could get good Buff leghorn chickens so I could start breeding. Thank You again. I was also wondering if Dan sells some of his buffs or not.
I got some from dan last year 2 males 8 or 9 females I also have buffs from curtis oaks , paul Hardy and fred zillich in all I have 4 diffierent strains but dans buffs are the best bar none ,I am not sure if dan has anything to sell yet ,as of now I have 2 good males to sell cockerals and I will have mature stock a little later on I have been hatching since November 2009 , If you are interested just let me know. Keith Bjelland I am in Washington state pacific northwest. Tom roebuck of va. also has buff minorcas and buff leghorns and his web site is,
out of all of my buffs that I have bought Dan Honour and Paul Hardy have the best ones Tom roebuck is right up there as a top breeder but I have not bought birds from him yet but I would in the future like to get some buff leghorns and buff minorcas from him down the road.( Ideal poultry) sells chicks and( natures hatchery) also offers the buff leghorn in the chicks but I have as of yet seen any of there stock so I dont know what they are like .
but one of us could probably be glad to hook any one who likes the buff leghorn breed, right now I have about 200 young ones and some females I will just use them only 1 breeding season as on 2 of my strains I am trying to breed for a more richer golden buff as I want the under color as golden as my surface color and on 2 strains the color of the females are an even buff but could be a richer and darker golden buff. Keith Bjelland
alias Jake Mashburn

edited by moderation to remove personal telephone # and address
ArieBLB Those chicks look great now ive got the bug to have some chicks around again.

I have gone through my birds and put together 3 hens and a cokeral now it''s just collect eggs and set them and wait .

Middle of next month i hope to have chicks to show you guys .

cheers shane;)
got a question for some of you buff leghorn owners.

are they as flighty as the brown leghorns, or are they alittle more peaceful?

reason i ask, ive got some about 2 months old, and they seem real layed back.
The best way i can answer this is birds are the way you treat them no matter what the breed...

I was told not to get leghorns or campines as they were mad and very flighty but i went and got them anyway.

It was the best thing i have ever done as these birds are great most of mine will eat out of my hands...

cheers shane
here are a couple of my older pullets

this one below has white in her tail but does have a good undercolour, certainly not perfect but something better to work with

this one has peppering in her tail and is a little shorter (and older) than the one above, but again is solid as far as her undercolour goes

i have a couple more younger pullets showing promise, one with darker peppering in tail but almost perfect undercolour and the other a smaller amount of white at this stage, and have identified 2 cockerals to mate with them in 2 groups.

ceratainly enjoy seeing others pics
Hi, everyone.

I wonder if people could give me an idea of what's going on with this Buff Leghorn chick? It's hatchery stock, from IDEAL, and I bought them to see if I could further a project of breeding Mille Fleur Leghorns. About half of the chicks have this same white on the shoulder/wing feathers that are coming in, the other half are straight buff. Could anyone tell me what this white is indicating? Is this dominant white?



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