Breeding Ducks


6 Years
Dec 12, 2013
On my horse ;)
Hi Guys,
I'm planning on breeding my ducks, I need any advice or information or anything you know on breeding. My friend and I have six ducks and two drakes between us and are planning on starting a small business. Also can ducks interbreed (between families and crosses) The drakes are Silver Appleyard X Khaki Campbell, the ducks are pekins, khaki campbells and Silver Appleyard X Khaki Campbells. The drakes and two ducks are 7 months the other ducks are about a year. Any advice would be useful as I know next to nothing about this.
Thanks :)
They sure can interbreed! But you'll have a hard time selling mutts. And if you don't already have dedicated nest boxes, you'll need a nice, warm, dry secure place for them to lay and incubate. As for how to do the deed, during the breeding season you won't have any trouble with that! Both males and females will be going to town, but be warned that the males will be a bit...enthusiastic. Whether the female wants it or not.
Also for some reason they like to mate in water, so be sure to keep some pools. Just be sure that they're not too deep so that the female will be able to stick her head out of the water when she's being mobbed my drakes.

I've never bred ducks, just chickens, cats and if you can believe it, betta fish! So I can't speak from experience. But here are some great resources you can read up on:

Also I just wanna say, good on you for wanting to learn all about breeding before taking the plunge! Yay, responsibility! <3
Thanks, we were planning on splitting them into groups so their is only one drake with each group. At my place we have a large dam and small pond for my spoiled ducks, my friend has small kid pools. We're planning on incubating the eggs if our ducks don't look after them, mine are the younger ones that I hand raised so at the moment they prefer to swim all day instead of nesting.
Thanks so much for your help though, we don't know if mine are related or not so we wanted to make sure we wouldn't end up with mutant ducklings or something.
Thanks so much for your help though, we don't know if mine are related or not so we wanted to make sure we wouldn't end up with mutant ducklings or something.
I was gonna make a joke about having inbred children born with webbed toes, know, ducks. :p

Also this is totally unrelated, but OH MY GOD YOU'RE A WHOVIAN ASL;DJALDJA;SLDJAL;J

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