Breeding Hambars/Hampbars

Well, I guess with some of the comments and advice from others I might just have to go ahead and breed these Hambars I have. I lost one hen and I guess I can get one from the one pair and keep it for the other. Will probably keep a couple hens anyway to produce more. I can always add my RIR and try some Rhodebars or buy some Rhodebars and breed them too. It seems as a rare chicken, the Hambars are even more rare than the Rhodebars. I all ready have a male that hatched to do with what I like.
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Well, I guess with some of the comments and advice from others I might just have to go ahead and breed these Hambars I have. I lost one hen and I guess I can get one from the one pair and keep it for the other. Will probably keep a couple hens anyway to produce more. I can always add my RIR and try some Rhodebars or buy some Rhodebars and breed them too. It seems as a rare chicken, the Hambars are even more rare than the Rhodebars. I all ready have a male that hatched to do with what I like.
Did you read the info from the link Kieth posted?
short and sweet and full of info. You could also round up a New Hampshire hen or two and put them in with the roo. Then you do not have the Rhodebars in there confusing the traits of the two breeds.
Yea, have read a lot and some can be more confusing than others. I will have to make my decision, that's for sure. At this point I all ready had RIR so I will let them continue until I get some New Hampshire hens old enough to breed. By that time I might have some chicks from the RIR and the Hampbar roo to have enough to seperate and try and start a Rhodebar line. We will see. Cross fingers. Thanks, I have learned a lot from these forums.
HI... Just remember.... body type, body type, body type.... a Rhodebar is nothing but a barried RIR.. so it should look the part.... brick shape and size.... Hampbars the same... both should weigh in a little more... a grown Hampbar male "rooster" should weigh in at nine pounds....

How many people are actually breeding Hambars?

Mine hatch at the end of this week. Then it will be about another year before I have chicks of my own. And I am in central CA.

Kieth, may I use your pics of Mr Big as breed examples? Please. Do you have any god hen shots?

I am very excite about this breed. The red barring will make them stand out from my crele flocks. I also look forward to see the meat and eggs produced from his breed.
Good question. I ran across mine buying what I thought were Rhodebars in Florida and he claimed to have 50 pair. Of course I have learned they were Hambars, be it not great specimens but something to work with. If you ask around you probably won't find many who have heard of them or have them so still a fairly rare chicken in the U.S. and even more so in England. I have had someone e-mail be in England wishing he had some and happy to see so many talking about them here. We can import from them but they can't import from us. If you have some you have something you might not have what any one around you would want or would buy but you have something that you can experiment with and make something that can bring back some of the breeding that use to happen here and in England long ago. Shoud be a good show bird if you have Fairs in your area to submit into Judging and people to talk about.
Yes, I can see my roo is fairly long and I will be bringing in New Hampshire hens and try and get a good model to use as my breeding rooster. Has been a great learning experience reading all that I could. You learn something new everyday, even at 56.

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