Breeding Italian with Tibetan or Grau Fee


Apr 23, 2020
Southeast TN
Hoping someone here can help me with a couple breeding/color combo questions. I want to hatch out for more females since my last hatch was only 4/12 females. I currently have 2 bachelor pads of reserve males and 4 females with 1 male.

Current setup of the breeding cage:
1 italian female
1 tibetan female
2 pharaoh females
1 tibetan male

What colors am I likely to get from their eggs?
What if I replace the male with a grau fee male from the bachelor pad, what babies could I get?
If I switch the males, how long should I wait to collect eggs for hatching to be sure HE is the father?

I'm particularly curious how a grau fee male and italian female combo will work out, if they would be a decent combination and if it would perhaps be better to place them together separately but I worry about the 1:1 ratio and the length of time it would take to get eggs from her...
Didn't get an answer to this. So I switched the grau fee male in the breeding cage and the girls absolutely beat him up. He seemed to be doing fine with them at first but then I checked on him later and I had to immediately separate... The grau fee was moved to his own cage and is almost completely healed up. I thought I might try just placing the italian with him but still flying blind here...
Didn't get an answer to this. So I switched the grau fee male in the breeding cage and the girls absolutely beat him up. He seemed to be doing fine with them at first but then I checked on him later and I had to immediately separate... The grau fee was moved to his own cage and is almost completely healed up. I thought I might try just placing the italian with him but still flying blind here...
I have no idea about the colors I would expect all sorts of colors with any of the males but I could be wrong. The male got beat up because they didn’t know that male. They will scalp and kill each other when they don’t know who the other is for quail you have to either get a cage next to the one and keep them next to each other for a bit then start doing supervised interactions between the male and the female group once you feel ok add him in full time and multiple times check on him. If you do decide to hatch from them I would love to see pics of the babies and once they start feathering I might be able to help you know what colors you ended up getting.
It’s hard to introduce adult males to an existing pen of adult females without some picking and damage, when you do interrupt the pen it will stress them and cause them to stop producing eggs for a while they are very sensitive to change and stress. If you introduce them at a younger (pre breeding) age you will have much better success.. I keep them all together even 2-3 or more males in with the females up til 5-6 weeks, that way they know each other and you can remove 2-3 males leaving 1 (or whatever the case may be) and reintroduce the other males later and they are not “strangers”.. when you do change out males in would give them 5-7 days to do their “activities” before saving fertilized eggs to hatch out.. or you can introduce him and wait 2 days and take a sample of eggs and check for the “bullseye”.. if you get 3/5 or better than 50% bullseyes in a given day it’s a good possibility that the rooster is doing his job effectively and you can save eggs for hatching.. hope this helps.. I tend to ramble. Good luck
I’m interested to see what colours they end up being if you hatch the eggs 🤔
I have no idea how colour works when breeding quail, I try to focus on friendliness of the bird.
When you breed two of the same colour together, will the chicks be that colour? Does this only apply to some colours? Are certain colour mutations more dominant, like in human eyes/hair? Sorry if these are stupid questions, and yes, ‘there is no such thing as dumb questions on here, just unanswered questions’, but when it comes to some of mine, I don’t think that applies.

I’m just as clueless as you, probably more. I think you may need some experts for this one.
@007Sean @Nabiki @Kiki

Whatever happens, i’m following.

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