Breeding pens

I plan to start a breeding coup/run tonight for a trio of FBCMs. This will be my third coup/run build, with each one different from the others. This time around the coup foot print will be 4' x6', nest boxes at floor level out the side of the coup, saltbox style roof, raised up 2 feet to allow the chickens access underneath for shade/shelter. The run will be modular 4'x8' panels made from 2x2's for the structure and covered with 2"x4" welded wire fencing covering it. With 3 of the 4x8 panels and on 4x4 panel I can screw them together and attach it to the side of the coup. I did this on one other coup and it was nice because then I could move it without too much trouble. the coup will be on 4x4 skids and I can moved it where I want it with my lawn mover. I have a small 4'x4' coup now that I move around as I need and it works great for me. when not in use the panels are taken apart and stacked against my back fence with the coup in an out of the way place in the yard too. Good luck on your build.
Thanks for your reply. I plan on using cattle panels backed up for their strength and backing it up with chicken wire. All with a 2x4 frame for stability and mobility, but mine would be mainly stationary , or closer to water and the other coop.

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