breeding project gone wrong :(


5 Years
Mar 16, 2014
I purchased a pair of pure blue wheaton ameraucauna hens at an auction a few months ago and paired them with my EE rooster in hopes of the offspring being high quality easter eggers. I kept them in a breeding pen together for about a month before the hens started to lay. about twice a week i let them out in the yard to free range eith the rest of my flock. They always returned to their pen with my EE rooster at night. I would then shut them in for several days.
I collected eggs for 2 weeks and began to incubate them.
fast forward 21 days and i have a batch of adorable muffed and bearded yellow striped bitties! Mission accomplished! ......or so i thought.
Upon closer inspection, they all have yellow legs,not blue like an EE or ameraucauna .
im assuming my dark cornish rooster mated my hens when they were in the yard And he must be a very fertile breeder! Only one chick hatched with blue feet and they were folded under. I had to dispose of him. :(
Well, i guess either way they are still EE right?
Blue wheaton Ameraucauna ×Dark cornish
Oh,i know chickens aren't faithful. I just thought because 90% of the time they were being bred by me EE rooster ,the bitties should be off him. Not the couple times the other rooster made contact.
Unfortunately it only takes once! My 3 year old is proof of that
If you truly want pures, you need to absolutely keep the pair separated to their own pens. No free ranging or anything. That's what I did for my (mostly) Ameraucana hatch that just got done.
My Ameraucana cockerel was so bad at breeding, though! Seriously. It took two weeks to even get 10 eggs off the pullet (in comparison to my buff orp boy), and by then the fertility rate in the older eggs had dropped drastically.

Perhaps that Roo wasn't doing his job!
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