breeding silkies


7 Years
May 7, 2012
Queensland, Australia
Sorry if I posted this in the wrong section, but I've got three silkies in my chicken tractor - 2 hens and a rooster.
When I bought them, the hens were $40 each, the rooster was only $5 (Aussie dollars)... why is there such a price difference in them?

One of the local farmers said that when he was little, he used to breed silkies but for every 10 eggs that hatched, only 2 of them would be hens, the rest would be roosters. Is this true? Is this why the roosters are so cheap? Or is it just because people prefer hens?

Also, will it disturb their "broodiness" if they are sitting on a clutch of eggs and I move the tractor to another spot?

Thanks :)

EDIT: I would like to just add that this is info I was wanting for when they start to lay eggs... they have only laid one egg so far, and I found it in the middle of the run so I think it accidentally slipped out. The rooster is only a few weeks old, and is a lot smaller compared to the hens (he doesn't crow yet). Can't wait til this gets going!! :D
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I wonder if you might want to post this under the Silkie thread in the breeding and genetics page of the forum. Sorry you haven't gotten answer. I think with gender it should always be 50/50, but I could be wrong.

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