
If you are not getting fertile eggs by now, you are probably not going to with this fellow. I would be surprised that you are not, he looks good to me. But as RR often says they are animals and are not all the same.

When I have added a rooster to a flock of hens without a rooster, I have fertilized eggs in about3-5 days. I think that might be your question.
Don't rely on that camera, check the eggs for fertility. That's a lot more reliable.

At those ages he is no longer a teenager hopped up on hormones and totally out of control. They are no longer pullets that are immature and don't have any idea on how to do their part. A flock of mature chickens can be so peaceful.

Typical behavior at those ages when you introduce a rooster to a flock of all hens is that he mates a couple to show they are his and the drama is over. They accept him as flock master and they all go about their business. I'm surprised you did not see mating when he was first introduced.

It is possible there is something wrong with him that he won't even try. Each chicken has its own personality. I guess it is possible he is still a cockerel, younger than you think and afraid of the dominant pullet but that just should not be, not looking at that photo. You still should have some action.

If you want to see some action try removing him from the flock for a half hour or more, them put him back. Often they will immediately mate with a hen or pullet to show that they are still in charge. It's not foolproof but it often works with mine.

But still, rely on whether the eggs are fertile or not more than anything else.
He never mated when introduced. He just put 1 wing halfway out and walked a circle around every hen
He never mated when introduced. He just put 1 wing halfway out and walked a circle around every hen
He was just starting his courting.
Hard to catch the 'act'... it's fast, can be less than 10 seconds.
I'll bet if you check yolks they will be fertile.
If they are not, it could be he isn't mating them....
...or to much butt fluff on either bird can impede the 'cloacal kiss' unto ineffectiveness.

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