Breeds and feathers question


11 Years
May 23, 2012
Denver, CO
I posted this question in What Gender or Breed is This and it was suggested that I post over here to maybe find an answer. I have six 4-5 week old chicks. I am confused as to what is going on with the feathers of one of them. I am new to owning chickens so this might be a stupid question and I might not word it right so bear with me. Five of the chicks have nice smooth feathers but this one chick's feathers are coming in looking wispy, meaning they split off at the ends like a peacock. Is it a breed thing? Here are some pictures to show what I am poorly describing:
You can see them on her/his chest, the wings look normal to me

Then along her back they get wispy

Am I crazy?
I think she is alright but i would make sure the others arn't pecking at him/her. i would wait awhile and if it gets worse then i would take her to the vet. Hope this helps!

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