Brewer’s grain question


10 Years
Apr 12, 2013
I’m looking to get a couple laying ducks from someone who says he’s been feeding them pretty much only spent brewery grain waste. It seems to me this unbalanced diet might cause health problems. They’re 10 months old and I plan to keep them for years. Do you think it’s too risky? Of course, you never really know what someone else has fed them when you get grown birds.
If you have an avian vet near you and are willing to take them there if they have any problems then you might want to take them. I would probably schedule them a vet visit just to get them tested for any deficiency.
A diet of solely brewers yeast grain is by no means an adequate diet and prolonged feeding of it likely result in nutritional related problems. If you choose to buy the ducks, it would be better if they were fed a diet formulated for all poultry, or waterfowl specifically. To address any potential nutritional deficiencies, you may start the birds on a broad range poultry vitamin for a few days.
Thanks everyone! Do you think, assuming they currently “look” healthy, that they will get back to health with my healthy feed (and maybe some vitamins for a few days) or is there a strong chance there are long term difficulties? Just not sure if I’m ready take on sick ducks right now.
Thanks everyone! Do you think, assuming they currently “look” healthy, that they will get back to health with my healthy feed (and maybe some vitamins for a few days) or is there a strong chance there are long term difficulties? Just not sure if I’m ready take on sick ducks right now.
It's really impossible to know. Ducks are very good at hiding their illnesses.

It sounds like they would be better off with you. Of course, even if they are healthy now they could become ill. Mine need regular veterinary care, like all pets.
Thanks everyone! Do you think, assuming they currently “look” healthy, that they will get back to health with my healthy feed (and maybe some vitamins for a few days) or is there a strong chance there are long term difficulties? Just not sure if I’m ready take on sick ducks right now.
One of my ducks I took in as a duck someone dumped off at the park, she seemed perfectly healthy and everything, but when she started having egg laying issues I took her to the vet. The vet basically said whoever had her before me was just feeding very bad not nutritionally balanced feed, so she still had a calcium deficiency in her system even though I had her on duck feed for months before. It didn't end up being a big deal, I just have to give her calcium pills every day for the rest of her life. Like @KaleIAm said, it's really impossible to know unless you take them to a vet to have some tests done.
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Well I went for it! The white layer has a saggy breast, do you think it indicates a health issue? She’s supposedly only 9 mos. old. Super vigorous though.

Wish me luck!

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