Bright Red Blood In Poop!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 24, 2010
idunno Yesterday we brought home a frizzle chick of about 2-3 weeks old. Very spunky and lively. It's poops were normal yesterday. My daughter saw it eat would shavings on the way home. Today some of her poops are well formed, they don't look wormy, but about every other one has bright red thin blood in it and sometimes it's just thin blood. She acts very normal. Is eating and drinking with the rest of the bunch. Could this be a wood shaving lodged in her tract?

I have a picture of poop, could anyone tell me how to add it with post.
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I am checking all local feed stores and everyone is sold out since it's chick season. Should I start on medicated feed and try ordering some online with rush shipping? Is this something the other chicks could catch? I have her in a separate box now, but she was in with the other ones since 1/2 of them came from this feed store last week.
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It is possible that your other chicks will have coccidia, but also possible that they dont. you can just start them on the medicated feed, and if you see any blood in their stool then get them on an anti-cocci medication to get rid of it. ^_^ BUMP!

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