Bright red poop (photos) in 5-8 week old chicks. Cocci?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 21, 2014
Today in our coop of 5-8 week old chicks, I saw a reddish poop. Later my husband saw one. We couldn't determine if it was bloody or not. Later I saw another big blob of poop that was bright red and took these photos. Trying to determine if it's cocci or not. I couldn't tell by the chicken poop chart..the photo it showed of cocci was blury but looks pretty close to the same. It's not intestinal lining in the poop, I've seen plenty of that. I also noticed today that a lot of their poop is yellowish and runny (not completely runny, just not solid either) So, we've never dealt with cocci and don't really know what we're dealing with here. I would love to not lose any chicks to this.

Anyone know about this poop? And if we need to give them medicine, should we give it to all of them? 52 chicks, ages 5 weeks to 8 weeks.. We don't know which ones pooped red. Thanks so much for your help!

What all the chicks have been up to lately: (52 chicks in the coop)

Today is day 11 on Duramycin for a respiratory thing that they caught, we think from not having good enough ventillation. Tomorrow will be their last day. I know Duramycin does not treat Cocci.

We moved chicks to their outside coop about 10 days ago. Lots of fresh air and room to be happy chicks.

They get a pan of dirt from our garden every now and then to roll in.

Yesterday, my husband gave them a few worms (leftover from fishing). He said there were not many worms at all..just a couple.

We started adding a higher protein food to their chick starter a few days ago. Half and half I guess..but they haven't really eaten any of that at all, just scattered it.

They all seem to be their normal selves. I haven't noticed any hanging back not feeling well...however, since this poop, I will pay more attention.

In an effort to keep them as natural and drug free as possible, we never had them vaccinated or fed medicated food. (I sort of regret that now)

Thanks again.
Just my two cents - that looks like intestinal lining. Our chicks are the same age as yours, and we're are seeing some of the same sort of poops. I had my intro to cocci last year when I decoded to rescue some chicks being kept in deplorable conditions at the feed store. (bad, bad idea!) After getting them home we learned they all had cocci. It looked like their poops were sitting in puddles of bright red blood - the look was different from what's in your photos. Cocci may show itself in a variety of ways, though, though, so I'd let others weigh in before deciding whether or not to treat the chicks.
Thank you vonchick..after seeing another pic just like mine that said intestinal lining I am hoping that's what it is..especially since none seem to be feeling badly. I've seen little red and orange bits here and there and knew that was intestinal lining, but never realized it could be so red...and huge ;)

But, next red poop I see, I may see if our vet will check it for us.
My thoughts are that it's better to be safe then sorry. That MAY be intestinal lining, but if it's not you could possibly loose a lot of chicks very fast. To be honest I've raised a lot of chicks and I have never seen chicks shed intestinal lining to that extent. That doesn't mean it doesn't or won't happen, just that I've never seen it. I personally would rather run a course of Corid then risk loosing chicks if they are indeed brewing a case of coccidiosis. Some things you have wiggle room to wait and see, with coccidiosis you just don't. I'd rather have live chicks that did indeed shed a boat load of intestinal lining then a bunch of dead chicks proving me wrong.
This morning I found some more red colored and a lot of dark yellow runny poop, so I took some samples to our vet. He did a smear test and a float test and said there were no coccidia. HURRAY! I asked him if being on Duramycin for 11 days could have upset their digestive system..he said that could very well be the reason. Yesterday was their last day on Duramycin, so I'll keep a close eye on them and their poop for the next few days. We were ready with the Corid though..just in case the news was bad. No need for now :)

I had no idea my vet dealt with chickens...glad I asked him.

Another happy note, two of our younger hens laid their first eggs today!!
Ah! Thanks marneypoo! Makes sense. Will start tomorrow. I guess they should have been on it to begin with.

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