Bright red poop (photos) in 5-8 week old chicks. Cocci?

Update: Tuesday, I took a stool sample to the vet to have it checked for coccidia. Test was negative. I kept a close eye on the chicks Tuesday. All seemed fine, no "feeling bad" behavior. There were still a few poops with a lot of bloody stuff. Wednesday I found some that looked like puddles of blood. (incredibly nasty looking) I went ahead and started them on Corid Wednesday, despite the negative test result for cocci. Also, Wednesday, two chicks looked slightly droopy compared to the rest, but still up and about, eating and drinking their medicated water. Vet reopened today and I am taking another sample to have it checked again for cocci.

Yesterday, they started Corid, and today I have only seen one poop that was brownish, bloody and runny. I saw that the chick that dropped it was looking like the previous two that weren't feeling so great. But this one too, is up eating and drinking.

The vet said before, that the intestinal upset could have been from the Duramycin 11 days in a row, or it could be worms. But I haven't seen any worms, and I know Corid won't help if it is worms. And I've read/heard that you shouldn't worm until 18 weeks old? Mine are almost 6 and 9 weeks. Once the corid treatment is over I'll give vitamins and probiotics. I'm going to give homemade kefir a try. I've heard it's great for them.

Anyway, I'll post again with the next test results. I've been taking photos of their poop along the way..when we figure this thing out, I'll post them in hopes of helping others later. I've had poops in my coop that I haven't seen on's been crazy, but all the chicks are fine at the moment.

They're enjoying their new outside freedom :)

And some are just enjoying looking out.

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