Bringing Ducklings to Work?

The babies are 5 weeks old and have now spent 3 nights sleeping outside with Popcorn. I'm in Los Angeles, the lowest it's been at night is 57 degrees. The girls have most of their feathers, just their oil gland area seems to be downy still so I figured they could handle it. I've never seen Popcorn so happy. After the first night, I considered bringing them back inside since it was going to drop to 57 from 60 degrees the night before but I couldn't bear to take them away from Popcorn.

She had spent 5 weeks sleeping alone after watching her partner die. And before meeting us, she lived with another backyard flock briefly that was at max capacity, and before that she was rescued from a city pond where she was dumped as a duckling. She's been through so much in her first 2 years. She has been so sweet and patient with these two little jerks. Chicken occasionally bites at her and Popcorn just joyously bobs her head and takes a few steps back to give her space. Shrimp follows Chicken mostly but will run to Popcorn when she gets spooked. By day 3 they seem to be a lot more comfortable with each other though I still see the ducklings sitting together with Popcorn some feet away. Hopefully that distance will close as their relationship develops.
This is great for 3 days. The distance will close. I introduced my ducklings to my big ducks around this same age, and now my ducklings won’t leave my big ducks alone!! Occasionally, I’ll see the group split in 2, but every other time, they are together as 1.

Also, I have to say, it looks like Popcorn is flirting with Shrimp 🤣 That’s what the sideways head bobbing and reh-eh sound is; the girls point their heads away from their lover and towards other ducks.
This is great for 3 days. The distance will close. I introduced my ducklings to my big ducks around this same age, and now my ducklings won’t leave my big ducks alone!! Occasionally, I’ll see the group split in 2, but every other time, they are together as 1.

Also, I have to say, it looks like Popcorn is flirting with Shrimp 🤣 That’s what the sideways head bobbing and reh-eh sound is; the girls point their heads away from their lover and towards other ducks.
Good to hear that this distance is normal. If that's Popcorn flirting, she is a huge flirt! Since introducing her to the ducklings she does this non stop to me and the babies.
Out of my two little Call Ducklings I just got from Metzer last week one is getting bigger than the other one. I figure I might have a drake and a hen but the one had diarrhea when I got it and still has a little on its butt so that might be why. They get along just fine though and love each other. That's great that you can take yours to work. Mine are so quiet that you don't even know they are here. The only time my ducklings made noise is when they needed something or were too cold. It sounds like your one has imprinted on you. They are sooooo cute and I hope they continue to do well. Sorry about the post office mess up. I went to our post office a few days before arrival and gave them my phone number in case something went wrong with delivery of mine. They did wait until they opened at 8:30 to call me which before they would call at 6 am and let me come down and pick them up. They seemed fine though so I was fortunate. Good luck with yours.
Sounds like you’re doing a great job with these lovelies.

Chicken and Shrimp are old enough to be voice-sexed now, so if you can get a video of their voices, upload it to YouTube, and link it here, we can confirm their genders for you :)
Omg, yes! I totally forgot that I could do that now. They are still peeping but occasionally i hear a random honk. I should be in the clear. I will upload a video if I start to get doubtful again, so far I haven't heard the whispery croak sounds I associate with the males...

thank you for the tip!
Keep us posted as to what they turn out to be. Metzer got my two Mallard ducklings a few years back right when I ordered two females but anyone can make a mistake when sexing them that young. I was just going by the shape of their heads. My Call duck that I think is a boy has a flatter head and the one I am calling a girl has a more rounded one on top. The rear end of my possible girl is pointed too and the one I think is a drake has a blunt rear end. I could be wrong but so far I have almost always been able to sex them. One time because of the whistle I thought I had one of each and it turned out to be two hens. One of these are whistling too which usually means a boy but could also be a girl.
yeah, i'm seeing pretty good reviews regarding Metzer's sexing accuracy so that's comforting. Either way, if one turns out to be a boy, I will just force him to be my lap duck and take him everywhere with me to keep him out of trouble :)
The babies are 5 weeks old and have now spent 3 nights sleeping outside with Popcorn. I'm in Los Angeles, the lowest it's been at night is 57 degrees. The girls have most of their feathers, just their oil gland area seems to be downy still so I figured they could handle it. I've never seen Popcorn so happy. After the first night, I considered bringing them back inside since it was going to drop to 57 from 60 degrees the night before but I couldn't bear to take them away from Popcorn.

She had spent 5 weeks sleeping alone after watching her partner die. And before meeting us, she lived with another backyard flock briefly that was at max capacity, and before that she was rescued from a city pond where she was dumped as a duckling. She's been through so much in her first 2 years. She has been so sweet and patient with these two little jerks. Chicken occasionally bites at her and Popcorn just joyously bobs her head and takes a few steps back to give her space. Shrimp follows Chicken mostly but will run to Popcorn when she gets spooked. By day 3 they seem to be a lot more comfortable with each other though I still see the ducklings sitting together with Popcorn some feet away. Hopefully that distance will close as their relationship develops.
They are beautiful!!!
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Here's a recent picture of Shrimp and Chicken. They are a little over 4 weeks old now. I stopped taking them to work after the first week because as they got larger it became tricky figuring out a good set up for them without having to carry around their big brooder box my husband built for them. This week I started putting them in Popcorn's coop while popcorn is out free ranging for the day so they can get acquainted. It's an open air coop with chicken wire so the ducks can see each other. I was feeling sorry for them in the house all day and figured a change of scenery and fresh air would be good. Before I go to work and after I come home, I give them some time to mingle while I change their water and get Popcorn her dinner. Popcorn seemed really scared at first (I cracked up seeing our big Pekin jump back at the sight of two fluffy ducklings). By now Popcorn seems calmer and is just eager to be accepted by the two youngsters. Chicken, the more obnoxious one of the two, showed a lot of aggression towards popcorn and it made me worry again about her sex though I keep reminding myself there's bossy females, too. It seems like the ducklings have formed their own micro flock and are cautious about letting a third join. It breaks my heart because Popcorn is such a gentle giant and she just wants to belong. Plus her coop has just been taken over by a few rude girls who won't give her the time of day! I give her a pep talk every morning before I leave for work. "Don't be afraid to put yourself out there today! Just be yourself! Anyone would be lucky to have you as a friend!" She bobs her head and quacks when I leave as if to say "please don't go!!" 😢

I still haven't gotten a picture of the three of them since I watch them so closely when they're loose with Popcorn. The babies come in for the night and they snuggle with me in front of the TV, it's so sweet. I'm going to miss having them in the house, but I won't miss the poop!!
Sounds like you’re doing a great job with these lovelies.

Chicken and Shrimp are old enough to be voice-sexed now, so if you can get a video of their voices, upload it to YouTube, and link it here, we can confirm their genders for you :)
If I were to take a wild guess I would think your lighter colored one is a male and the darker a female. I don't know if they were sexed ducklings or not. They sure are cutie pies!
They were sexed by Metzer farms as female, I just keep getting paranoid one is a male because her personality is so obnoxious lol

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