Bringing ducks inside occasionally


8 Years
Aug 7, 2015
Peyton, CO
I am thinking about bringing my three ducks inside occasionally for short periods. I'm worried that it might mess with their acclimation to the outside temperature. It's been in the 20s here during the day. I don't want them to be all warm in my 68 degree house and then go out and be cold. Anyone bring their ducks in for short periods during the winter? Any negative side effects?
Thank you for the response.
I am thinking about bringing my three ducks inside occasionally for short periods. I'm worried that it might mess with their acclimation to the outside temperature. It's been in the 20s here during the day. I don't want them to be all warm in my 68 degree house and then go out and be cold. Anyone bring their ducks in for short periods during the winter? Any negative side effects?
Same question but mine has been inside from 9 degrees for a week getting rehabbed. It is time to return to the coop and 30 degrees for a couple of days. Im concerned about shocking her system and wondering if there is a safe way to transition

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