Bringing indoors - winter emergency (sort of)

Oops, mixed up my posters, sorry.
That is a chickens dream. I wish mine had something as nice as that. That flu is scary.
Last winter, when I brought my two in for a cold spell, I used an old dog crate. That way I was able to put them in a room that got some daylight. They made it through with no problem and were happy to get back outside.
@PaulaMc: "Could you block some of it off sweetie with wood or a windbreaker? I also use cardboard boxes - flattened-would this be useful?

Mind you, if I had my way-and a bigger house- they would ALL be in here with me and my four cats LOL.

Not really helping am I but I hope I'm making you smile

Yes, indeed. I'm having a good laugh! Thanx!

@oldhenlikesdogs: " Bring them inside is similar to you sitting in the house with your thickest parka on. We get way colder than that. I haven't had a chicken freeze to death yet. Tonight will be -10 Fahrenheit, which is about -25 Celsius. We also have wind chills up to -30, which is similar temperatures in both scales."

Well, it's too late now in my case. I keep the heat in the bathroom turned down for the hens, as we have another little bathroom we can use. By the way, we ARE wearing either parkas or many layers of clothing in our house, as we have run out of firewood til a new load arrives and have only a few small electric heaters. (It's true.) I went out to gather deadwood and if low temps. are hard on an aging human body, they must be a trial for a little old chicken, too. These are 5-1/2 years old.

Chickens are not like the wild birds who eat at our bird feeder. Chickens are domesticated animals, and I believe it is stressful for them to try to cope, day after day, with low temperatures. Just because they don't drop dead of freezing doesn't mean they are all right.

The issue is not the weather outside; it's how the outdoors temperature affects the inside of the chicken house. In any case, I appreciate your input here. If my chickens are still alive by next winter, I am going to try to take some of the advice offered here to warm up their house.
I don't particularly like keeping them in my bathroom.
@PaulaMc: "Could you block some of it off sweetie with wood or a windbreaker? I also use cardboard boxes - flattened-would this be useful?

Mind you, if I had my way-and a bigger house- they would ALL be in here with me and my four cats LOL.

Not really helping am I but I hope I'm making you smile

Yes, indeed. I'm having a good laugh! Thanx!

@oldhenlikesdogs: " Bring them inside is similar to you sitting in the house with your thickest parka on. We get way colder than that. I haven't had a chicken freeze to death yet. Tonight will be -10 Fahrenheit, which is about -25 Celsius. We also have wind chills up to -30, which is similar temperatures in both scales."

Well, it's too late now in my case. I keep the heat in the bathroom turned down for the hens, as we have another little bathroom we can use. By the way, we ARE wearing either parkas or many layers of clothing in our house, as we have run out of firewood til a new load arrives and have only a few small electric heaters. (It's true.) I went out to gather deadwood and if low temps. are hard on an aging human body, they must be a trial for a little old chicken, too. These are 5-1/2 years old.

Chickens are not like the wild birds who eat at our bird feeder. Chickens are domesticated animals, and I believe it is stressful for them to try to cope, day after day, with low temperatures. Just because they don't drop dead of freezing doesn't mean they are all right.

The issue is not the weather outside; it's how the outdoors temperature affects the inside of the chicken house. In any case, I appreciate your input here. If my chickens are still alive by next winter, I am going to try to take some of the advice offered here to warm up their house.
I don't particularly like keeping them in my bathroom.

Hiya lovely

I am new to keeping chickens and have discovered that everyone has their different ideas on the best way to keep them. I am not an expert and have regularly admitted I am a wuss and very soppy with my chickens and cats etc. However, I understand that you are doing what you think is the best thing for your babies and so good on you. If I had a big house they would all be in with me ha ha.

I've found that bringing up chickens is like bringing up children. You listen to the experts then go with your gut .Mummy knows best ha ha. They WILL be alive next winter because you are a brilliant mummy.
Hiya lovely

I am new to keeping chickens and have discovered that everyone has their different ideas on the best way to keep them. I am not an expert and have regularly admitted I am a wuss and very soppy with my chickens and cats etc. However, I understand that you are doing what you think is the best thing for your babies and so good on you. If I had a big house they would all be in with me ha ha.

I've found that bringing up chickens is like bringing up children. You listen to the experts then go with your gut .Mummy knows best ha ha. They WILL be alive next winter because you are a brilliant mummy.

That is so kind of you.

NEWS: 2 eggs so far; one hen crows in the morning like a rooster and I don't know what the hel is going on. Have you ever heard of such a thing?
Hiya lovely

I am new to keeping chickens and have discovered that everyone has their different ideas on the best way to keep them. I am not an expert and have regularly admitted I am a wuss and very soppy with my chickens and cats etc. However, I understand that you are doing what you think is the best thing for your babies and so good on you. If I had a big house they would all be in with me ha ha.

I've found that bringing up chickens is like bringing up children. You listen to the experts then go with your gut .Mummy knows best ha ha. They WILL be alive next winter because you are a brilliant mummy.

That is so kind of you.

NEWS: 2 eggs so far; one hen crows in the morning like a rooster and I don't know what the hel is going on. Have you ever heard of such a thing?

No worries lovely.

All the ladies support each other by making a racket when they have laid so that will probably be what you are hearing. It's like women supporting each other in childbirth ha ha.

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