Broken chicken foot??


5 Years
Apr 27, 2016
Three days ago i realized my poor dear was dragging her foot under her when she walked and she wasnt using it. I splinted it in two toes and we left for the weekend. When I came back today she was no better so i put her in a big pen with two other hurt birds (both have leg problems as well) with a bed far away from grass, food, and water. Any advice? What am I doing right and wrong?
How old is she? Was she vaccinated for Mareks disease? What symptoms are the other chickens with leg issues having? I would try poultry vitamins in the water that include riboflavin, just in case of a vitamin deficiency. What type of feed are they getting? Have you ever had any unexplained deaths in your flock?
She is 3 months old, no she hasn't been treated for anything
The other chicken is limping and the other one is a meat bird that was born with a messed up foot.
She is getting non gmo egg maker for Widdis feed mill
I had one random death about three weeks ago but she was an older hen.
Where would I get those vitimans you mentioned?
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Most feed stores sell poultry vitamins, such as Durvet, Rooster Booster, and SaveAChick, and you can also use PolyVisol without iron baby vitamins 2 drops daily given orally.

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