Broken chicken leg what to do help !!!


6 Years
Nov 5, 2013
I noticed my chicken sitting on the ground and she's young if say about 12 weeks but anyway I picked him up and set him down and he's dragging his left leg I felt both sides of the legs to feel a difference but there's nothing no crack that I feel but I seen on someone else thread that it could be sprained but he's not trying to walk on it at all... I don't know since there was no broken bone I felt I thought I'd keep him in the cage keep him with water and food just for a week just to see if she's getting any better but any help will be well appreciated
Seperating is good to limit trying to move around. Make sure food & water within easy reach.

When you looked it over there was no bruising under the feathers? Depending on how bad, a bruise can be a green, yellow, to even a reddish black under the skin. Does the foot try to grab your finger when you put finger under the foot? Does the bad leg feel colder at the toes or any hot spots anywhere along the leg?

You can splint the leg using popsicle sticks, twigs and vetwrap. If you use tape be careful when removing it as the adhesive can pull up skin or scales of leg. To not let the bird put any weight or trying to move at all, make a sling, holes cut for legs, area around vent free so it can poo. Suspend it so the chickens toes can barely touch the ground. This will allow the legs to move without weight on the bad leg so can still exercise the good leg.

Hope your bird recovers soon.
No I didn't see no bruising I had to cut the feather around his vent he got it all over him but I will find a way to keep his legs off the ground is it a must??

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