Broken leg?


Feb 15, 2015
So while I was helping mama bird get in the coop for the night the other chickens got out. So I caught them and put them back in the run now one is limping. She isn't bleeding and won't put pressure on her left leg. How do I diagnose and help?
If you have a small pen or cage you can put her in so she can't run and jump, that will help. She should still be able to hear and see her friends while in the hospital cage. Give her baby aspirin in a treat two or three times a day. If you can identify where the injury is, (foot, leg, etc) soaking in warm epsom salts soak can help. It might take a while before she is not limping. Feel gently along the leg, foot, toes, to look for heat or swelling. There might not be any but it could still be a sprain. also feel her hips to see if both feel equal and normal.
I have a large dog crate. But it's too big to fit in the coop. I don't have baby aspirin but I do have children's Tylenol and ibuprofen. I'll have to grab some aspirin in the morning. I feel like it's something to do with her hip/leg because she will not put any pressure on it.
I think it's dislocated or broken. From what I can feel. What now? This is my very skiddish chicken. So she is prob already pretty traumatized. :(
yes, why do you think it's dislocated or broken? Can you describe it? don't ever give an animal Tylenol, or anything besides aspirin. It is highly toxic.
It's at her hip/thigh joint. I was reading other posts about broke legs. And it fits her pretty well. Leg is limp and foot is curled up and unable to use.

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