Broken shell-less egg found under the roosts!


Jun 3, 2017
Hi everyone, I have eight chickens and some have just started laying (we're getting 2-3 eggs daily). My chickens free range all day and are fed layer feed. (oyster shells are provided). The have all been healthy. This morning I found an egg under the roosts that seemed to be just a thin membrane and yolk (couldn't find any egg white). The membrane was broken. I am concerned the egg might have burst while still inside one of my ladies and have heard that the yolks can cause infection. Is this something to worry about, and what signs should I look for? The same morning there was an egg in the nesting box with a hole in the shell. Have the chickens been egg eating? Please reply to let me know what to do!
Young chickens at the beginning of a laying cycle frequently produce shell less, soft shelled, small or odd shaped eggs. It generally resolves in a matter of weeks.
Yup, this is common. These type of eggs are called "witch eggs" by some people. Sometimes even older hens will lay an egg like this, when stressed by excessive heat or an intense fright. Just the other day my 2.5 year old New Hampshire suddenly fluffed up and stood like a penguin. It was about 15 minutes before dark. I knew she was having a problem. Then, I saw mucous running out of her behind. By the time I got to her, another hen was pecking at the ground where she was. There was the yolk and what I thought was mucous was in fact the white. But where was the shell? When she turned around, there it was hanging half way out of her cloaca. I could see that it was leathery looking, a "witch egg". I tried to pull it out but she went trotting off. That's when it just dropped out on its own. Whew! I was glad to see that happen. One time, I had to remove the soft egg shell from another hen's cloaca. Normally they will expel them on their own.

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