Broken Wing help.


7 Years
Jul 25, 2012
Dudley, UK
Hi, I have a golden Silkie who is around pullet age. He/She (not fully sure yet) has a bad wing and is struggling to move. It will move when it wants to, such as feeding or to go outside but it won't stand, it moves by rapid jumping and flapping. It still has a good appetite and will feed when I place it near them. I have checked it's legs and they look similar, so I am assuming not problems there. However, she lays her wing out and can only move it slightly. I think it is broken. I didn't want to take her away from the other 2 Silkies (they have their own private little flock of 3), as they won't harm her at all and did calm her down when I inspected her. What should I do? I cannot go to the vet for this due to cost and availability. Is this a fracture or a broken wing? I may be able to get some pictures later if they are needed.

Hi, it would help to see some pictures. Is there anything in her pen she could have hurt it on? If it is indeed a break, I don't know of anything you can do except take her to a vet, despite the expence or put her down. Sorry.

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