Broken? Wing

I'll read that and see what I can find; she hasn't done any actual bleeding outside. I did just see a teeny tiny little clear dot running around on her face, so I am wondering if the warm bath/blow dry hatched the remaining lice eggs. I dusted her with more Sevin just now, so I'm kind of hoping that was it but let me know what you find about the antibiotics.
I'll read that and see what I can find; she hasn't done any actual bleeding outside. I did just see a teeny tiny little clear dot running around on her face, so I am wondering if the warm bath/blow dry hatched the remaining lice eggs. I dusted her with more Sevin just now, so I'm kind of hoping that was it but let me know what you find about the antibiotics.

I haven't looked into the antibiotics, but I will in a minute. Here's what occurred to me, I looked up vitamin overdose. Her face could be described as jaundiced, what do you think? It's my fault for not saying how much polyvisol to give. Stop that supplement for now. She may become hyper sensitive to it now, we'll have to find a different, slow acting way to supplement her. I'm sorry I didn't specify amount.

Can you give her a full skin exam to look for any bruising/internal bleeding? Concentrate on the neck, breast and abdomen. Going back to reading....
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A certain form of penicillin can be used for growth but I think tylan may be the way to go for now. the de worming is also important. I think I gave you a link to vitamins she may need that can be given individually or through other food products examples: Vitamin E, selenium and more selective B vitamins. Now to check out why she is only pooping 2 or 3 times a day....
Ok, the only things I can think of for not pooping (unless she is egg bound) are: slow or improper crop function, gizzard impaction. Is her crop filling during the day and empty in the morning? Do you think her crop is slow? If her gizzard is impacted, that could slow down the crop and produce less poop perhaps. Are you able to measure how much she is actually eating? sometimes they peck at it but aren't really eating or bill it out, you change the litter or move the towel and find a stash pile!
No, it was my fault for putting too much polyvisol in her water. The directions read a dropper full for an infant irregardless of size, so I figured it would be okay and she could process out the extra, but with her being in such bad shape I should have known better. I will give her a few days and if she is still hanging on, I will probably use the polyvisol again, but maybe just a drop a day.

The only thing that seems close to what she has on that health sheet is the ulcerative enterisis. Nothing on her is swollen and I did check for bruising but there is none.

I'll look for that tylan tomorrow when I get dewormer; I think I read that they give it to cattle so I'm hoping I should be able to find it locally, otherwise I'll have to order from Amazon and wait until Monday.

I don't think she is egg bound; I've handled her enough these past few weeks that I am pretty sure I would have felt it, but I will have my husband check tomorrow to make sure.

I was just thinking today that I need to start weighing her food to see how much she is actually eating, so I will start that tomorrow. When I feel her, she doesn't feel like she has a crop at all, just bones, so it might not be working well.

After the last post she seems to have gotten a little better. I don't know if she just needed some encouragement or what, but she kept eating, falling asleep in her food, waking up and eating some more. As of a few hours ago she was pretty alert and eating and drinking a bunch. I found her some more worms and she ate those too. She is still very pale, but has a little more color than earlier. She has also stopped breathing through her mouth.

Fingers crossed.
ok,so it was both our fault :/ If you're going for the Safeguard it can be for cattle/equine/goat it's fenbendazole 10% (100mg/g) paste. You have to weigh the bird, you give it per pound. The dosing info is in the signature of @casportpony . I wrote it down on my box, from her, as, 0.23mg per # for hens, for 5 days.
If she is not really eating, you may want to give her 1ml of olive oil (for clearing the gizzard) wait 12 hrs and then tube feed her. Directions and supplies for that are also in the same signature. I know that sounds scary but it's not as hard as it sounds, you can do it! (It will also be easier to give meds, as you can give it as you feed) You will need baby parakeet food, 16 inches of aquarium air tubing and a 20 to 60 ml syringe w/o needle.
If she seems a little too lethargic this eve or in the morning, give her a bit of honey water or just put a dab of honey on her tongue.
Keep me posted!
As an aside, I just bought the Merck Manual! I'm stoked, I don't have to be on line to read it anymore!
Oh, and a medical terminology/definition book!
Ooh, get her some meal worms, regular yard worms/bugs, sadly, are sometimes the vectors for other worms chickens get!
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Yes, she's still around. Two days ago after she got some water and food into her and I dusted her, she perked up again. Yesterday she ate quite a bit (for her), about 2 oz. Her new favorite thing is to knock her water up all over herself, so I rigged a new holder for it. She's eating and drinking a lot and for the most part she is putting weight on her left leg. She keeps chewing on her chest feathers and the sling, like she is trying to itch something. I checked her out but cannot find anything so I am wondering if it is the new feathers that are bothering her. Today she has been shaking her head and kicking her left foot like she is trying to scratch her face. I looked in her ear again and didn't see anything.

I got the dewormer, safeguard for goats. It seems like it is a liquid, so I am unsure how to dispense it to her? We weighed her yesterday, she's a grand total of 1.5 pounds. I was not able to find the Tylan locally, so I am going to order it from Amazon today.

I've been giving her some time out of the sling. She still doesn't seem to have much control over her body, but I have noticed that she puts pressure on her legs when I sit her up (so she ends up sitting with her butt in the air). It seems like she is trying to get up, which is good, but there still isn't much to her. She's got some color back into her face and comb, so she doesn't look as pale as before.

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