Bromelian Killed My Beloved Rooster : Yellow Urates Mystery Solved


Crazy Chicken Mom
6 Years
Aug 31, 2017
New Delhi India
Today I Lost my very beloved chicken whome I raised like my kid..
And I was struggling since many days for a proper diagnosis in which I heard many multiple.things multiple solutions and remedies which lead him to death where his autospy shows there's nothing like that .

Teetee was first show signs of Yellow Urates On 19th September 2021 with a slow digestion which seems to get improved by 3rd day and he's back on his track .

But yellow urates was a concern so I did a lab test culture for more details which shows nothing in routine but staphylococcus in culture by talking to a regular vet in my area he said it's nothing but a upset Gut Flora which makes it visible in his poop..
Still I did a course of antibiotic of Amoxicillin he was well but Antibiotic makes his digestion more slow which affects his crop

By talking many here on BYC many share many different types of remedies for his slow crop .
None of each remedies help even each thing worsen the condition of his crop .
One of them was a Enzyme called Bromelian Which is a extract from pineapple .

I give this extract to my rooster on 7th October in morning very little dissolve in water after 2 hours he showing signs of melena which is out of the blues .. Happened with him.

He started passing heavy amount of blood in poop (melena ) he didn't eat anything he didn't drink anything except the Bromelian which worsen his health

He started becoming all pale and white ..with each poop he pass puddles of blood

Yesterday on 8th we try taking him to a govt bird hospital where the vets said that Bormelian can increase Risk Of Internal Bleeding ..the separate suppliment not Pineapple fruit

The yellow urates is nothing but a High Gastric Ph is confirmed by the Govt Hospital Vets with multiple diagnosis of his conditions . Melena was caused by a very High Gastric Ph that irritated the gut possibly Stomach & Gizzard

24h he pooping melena and keep getting paler and paler we was aware that he won't able to make it but we still wait if he can recover

Vet Give Him Doses Of sucralfate and iron for save him ..sucralfate dose makes his yellow urates back to white that time vet told me and my family that it's only a PH issue not a liver realted issue

But melena wasn't stop in his poop it continued coming with heavy amount ..
He goes all numb and pale and passed away today 9th October 2021 by 7:31 am he was all pale and white

Senior vets suggest for autopsy which comes 2 hours later that confirm My teetee had no issue like the one mentioned on Internet and on Byc

His autopsy shows a normal but dehydrated liver , kidneys , his heart was in regular size but with acute AF ..
His crop contains 15 days old feed grit but there's no signs of Yeast , Bacteria , his crop was dehydrated with increased amount of Acidic Environment which vet said it's from the Bormelian and the stomach was shrink with visible Irritation and hemorrhage , there's hemorrhage in the gizzard , his gizzard was empty (because he is not eating anything) with melena and old pieces of grains and liquid food which we forcefeed him his was high from bormalian

His intestinal walls were extremely thickened filled with gas and blood the pH in his all over digestive system is higher

The senior vet confirm that he died from internal blood loss which cause multiple organ failure
Teetee don't have any Fatty Liver , Enlarge Liver Or Yellow Liver he had a normal.liver which failed due to melena
There's not a sign of
Yeast Infection
Or Cancer
He was only having chronic Dehydration , with a high Gastric PH which cause Yellow Urates In his poop which resolved after anti acid suspension..

I feel so relieved that my boy was internally healthy but some of my silliness and trusting on internet symptoms with people advice killed him 😖😔🙏🏻😭

Pls pls pls don't go on the symptoms of Internet and never use multiple remedies ..I loss my very beloved rooster today and I cannot do anything to save him. It is better to talk to a vet and get the best details .my boy never fall sick never ever this mistake give me a big lesson that not all signs are signs of diseases , indoor pet chickens who live on good diet never get any serious diseases or parasitic Infection , there's no bacterial Infection in household chickens in well cared environment ..

I loss a part of my heart today attaching his last pic he was only 4 😔😔😔😔😔 I'm regretting now for forever BYC



I love him with all my heart he never ever fall sick in life never he wqs healthy and beautiful.
I'm devastated today that why I give him.bormelian.

Thanks to many BYc people who always helped me @azygous @Wyorp Rock with proper guidance.😖🙏🏻

Thank you all
Sanaaya, I am very sorry that you lost your beloved rooster, Tee Tee. I have not ever heard of bromelain before, so I had to look it up. It does say that it can decrease blood clotting, and it also may increase the amount of amoxicillin and tetracycline drugs absorbed in the body. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
Sanaaya, I am very sorry that you lost your beloved rooster, Tee Tee. I have not ever heard of bromelain before, so I had to look it up. It does say that it can decrease blood clotting, and it also may increase the amount of amoxicillin and tetracycline drugs absorbed in the body. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
Thank you mam so much now he's pain-free after that enzyme he started have melena and gone
Sanaaya, I am very sorry that you lost your beloved rooster, Tee Tee. I have not ever heard of bromelain before, so I had to look it up. It does say that it can decrease blood clotting, and it also may increase the amount of amoxicillin and tetracycline drugs absorbed in the body. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
I posted this for everyone ever they are about to suggest or give it to their chickens they must aware of the side effects .. someone here on byc suggest that enzyme to clear his slow crop and yes he was on Amoxicillin and OxyTetracycline earlier

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