Brooder in Garage but garage just hit 90


5 Years
May 21, 2019
Central Valley California
Hello, my brooder is in my garage which worked great for the spring but now it is getting to 90 in the garage itself. I have turned off the light but are they good w 90 degrees and nowhere to go and cool down? Do I need to make an inverse brooder and have a cool side? I dont think bringing them in the house is a possibility. Thanks!!
I’m sure others more experienced than me will add their opinions, but it seems to me they can go outside if you help them adjust to the temperatures. If you can put the brooder inside the coop or somewhere else it will be safe, and make sure they can get warm (using the light, or a heating pad) if it gets cold, this would likely be better than letting them cook in the garage.

Or can you add ventilation in the garage? Like a fan in a window?
If you can put the brooder inside the coop or somewhere else it will be safe, and make sure they can get warm (using the light, or a heating pad) if it gets cold, this would likely be better than letting them cook in the garage.

Or can you add ventilation in the garage? Like a fan in a window?
Yep, it needs to be moved somewhere cooler....or cool the garage off somehow.
But then again, it's 90°F here today..tho I don't have 4 day old chicks out there.

Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, (laptop version shown), then it's always there!
Yes, but make sure they have shade outside, and plenty of water, and maybe some cool treats (cold watermelon, or a couple of frozen berries. Sometimes people put some ice cubes in the waterer.

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