Brooder questions, mixed age chicks

Serenity Lane

Mar 21, 2013
New York
I currently have two 3 week old white leghorns, three 3 week old RHRs, and six 1 week old silkies in the same brooder.. It's a large dog cage. My question is what temperature should it be? Since the chicks are different ages, I figured it would work if I put the heat lamp on one end and if any of them got too warm, they could move away from the heat.. Is this good? They all seem pretty comfortable.
This picture was taken earlier today when I caught them all piled together taking a nap..

Plus I have silkie eggs in an incubator due to hatch on 4/13. Only 4 appear to be developing as they should. Once they hatch I was thinking about either moving the bigger/older chicks and putting the younger silkies in with the ones I currently have or just putting them all together. If like for them to all live in the same coop this summer so I'm thinking maybe they should be raised together so they have the best shot to get along. Does this make sense?
THe main thing you will need to watch for is if the bigger ones can injure the smaller ones due to size. Otherwise, I think you have a good plan, just keep it at the warmest temp needed, and make sure they older ones can get away if its too warm.
week 1: 95 degrees, then drop the temp by 5 degrees each week......WHich would mean keeping the coop around 90?
THe main thing you will need to watch for is if the bigger ones can injure the smaller ones due to size. Otherwise, I think you have a good plan, just keep it at the warmest temp needed, and make sure they older ones can get away if its too warm.
week 1: 95 degrees, then drop the temp by 5 degrees each week......WHich would mean keeping the coop around 90?

Thanks for your response. I've been keeping a close eye on them and they seem to be doing fine together so far.

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