BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!


Another view.
Sorry this is so red but it's the heat lamp.
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Thnaks Chixrus. Yeah, our first brooder was a tote. We cut out the side and top and put hardware cloth there. They outgrew that fast and the coop wasn't even done being planned and their feathers weren't all the way in, either. This brooder is the best. It really is. I'm beyond happy with it and my dh for building it for me. For treats, I've given mine plain organic yogurt with some feed in it...which they love, blueberries, watermelon and broccoli. The only thing I gave them that they didn't eat was cherry tomatoes. The had cricket today and loved that

Here's my Brooder! It's a guinea pig cage ans works perfect. high enough for them to jump and and big enough to last ages. it also has a wire lid which half folds up. they're 2 weeks old today and look at how much space they have! I've also put in a nice clean log and a cardboard mug holder thing which they love to jump on. There are two red bulbs (look white) as when i first got them one didnt seem enough as the were often huddled together. They love coming out to play and walk into my hand when i out it in the cage.

We have 2 large dog shelters that the old owners of our house left for us. We cleaned it and got them ready for our 3 small dogs. They didn't care for it. So, since the coop is taking longer to build than we initially thought, I have turned one of these shelters (in the process of finishing the other) into a brooder. I am planning on building a run I could attach to both of them just to make sure the ladies will have a cozy place to live in in the meantime until the coop is ready.
Here is a pic of the Ohio brooder I made this past winter. I am raising my first flock and this worked great! I have 22 healthy chickens and they all made it through a Pennsylvania winter in the barn with the brooder.


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