BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

I'm too am concerned with the cleanliness of the water, and I think that having a easily cleaned (plastic or metal?) slope in the brooder might help. If the bedding was at the bottom of a very small, gradual slope, and the water container was at the top of the slope, it might keep them from getting bedding in their water but not be sloping enough to deter them from actually drinking.

If anybody has any ideas on what medium(s) I should use or how I should construct the brooder I'm more than willing to try whatever anybody comes up with. My basic theoretical design would include the lamp at the bottom of the slope and the food and water at the top of the slope. The brooder size should be able to hold 20 young chicks.
brooder that started out as an ugly dark TV stand we found at goodwill... First batch will be going on this weekend!
That's awesome!!!! The brat pack, makes me laugh!!!!!!!
This is my new brooder. A tractor tire and a tarp. Easy and cheap and will hold a lot of chicks or a few for a longer period of time. I filled the bottom with sand to the lip of the inside of the tire ring so they could not get under it and covered the floor with pine shavings. The top is a have wire hate that is predator proof. Also have to heat lamps for cooler nights. So excited to get some chicks and not have my room smell!!
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Nice crate mod!
Chances are you don't need that much heat in that small a space.
An incandescent 60-100W bulb would probably be enough,you can get them in red at a reptile supply source.
A dimmer extension cord works great to adjust heat output.

I'm definitely going to get an extension cord dimmer. Great idea! I've been watching the chicks and their behavior is spot on for their temp being perfect. I throw the thermometer in there from time to time too. I'll probably switch to an incandescent as we cool down the brooder. It's pretty cold out there in the garage and my kids open and close it all the time. Thanks for the tips!

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