BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

I have raised several batches of babies and have never has any problems with their feet going through. I got the idea from our local feed store who's brooders have 1/2x1 inch wire, and he sells hundreds of chicks. I'll try to find a picture of his. I have poop catch pans under it with pine shaving with DE sprinkled and keep down the smell and flies.
Here is my cheap plastic brooder with a heating pad. I bought the plastic container from the 99 cent store. I have successfully raised many chicks from this start.

I just put togehter a new brooder for free. I was going past a stained glass store and I saw these awesome wooden crates which they gave to me for free. (you can see the original sizes which are the width of the 'UP' sections. I took apart one side from each, added some plywood to the bottom to connect them and used some of the wood I removed to attach themtogether. Voila! It took about an hour and it is awesome!!!!!!!! I had been using a large plastic pet pen with plywood on the floor, but it was flimsy and all the shavings came out all over the place. Now they are raised off the floor to keep them warmer and this thing is about 3 1/2 by 5 feet. Plenty of room, which unfortunately I need this winter.....


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My husband and I made this one from 2x4s, plywood and 1/2" hardware cloth. It seems to be working alright so far. It's 3.5' X 5' X 2' inside. We put a blanket over the open front and the top of one door to keep out drafts. The only drawback is it needs a tray under it to collect the droppings. (we have the floor covered with a plastic shower curtain and we change out old towels on top of that as they get dirty)

Being new to all of this I was really intrigued with what my Fellow BYCer's could come up with, seeing as how I have 2 55 gal aquariums, and a 40 that I can clean out and use for brooders, They have glass lids on them so it will be just a matter of cleaning one out and getting it set up to use.

I like the ideas of using the clear plastic storage totes as well, and I do have 2 or 3 dog crates that I can use too. Glad to belong to such a creative group with fertile and thrifty minds!
Chuck, sounds like you are about fixed up. I am assuming that the aquariums with the glass lids have a place for sufficient oxygen and fresh air to get to the chicks? Just a thought.

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