BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

Here's our brooder! For the first 3 weeks I used a large Rubbermaid tub, pine shavings, and the EcoGlow brooder. I layed a piece of screen over the top so they wouldn't fly out. We had this in our basement where it was pretty cold at night, so I layed some foam insulation pieces down under the tub to keep the heat in a little better. They soon out grew that size, so I moved them to a larger tub for the last 2 weeks that I had them in the brooder before moving them to their coop last weekend (6 weeks old).

Another pic of our brooder. They've been without the heat lamp now for 2 weeks. Just waiting to get our coop finished. :) they've gotten so big and make the 6ftx6ft brooder seem small now! Haha

Here's a pic of my brooder....for 2 chicks, they've got 9 more days in the incubator before the hatch (fingers crossed!)

I based it on one of the ones I saw in the brooder design section of this website, so hopefully it works a treat!

I'm brand brand new to raising chicks, so any advice, tips, tricks on how to improve it is greatly appreciated! This is a 50L tub with newspaper on the bottom, then a layer of paper towel and shavings on top. I'm yet to buy a little feeder or waterer yet. I was hoping that people might have some suggestions on what they use for food and water instead of actually buying one?

I'm still testing the temperature and height of the heat globe. I've tried many regular globes but none seemed to get hot enough uness they were inside the box and I wanted to avoid that, hence the red globe.

Here is my brooder, but I need more space for my newest chicks, (I'm getting four more) so
I'm getting another bin, and connecting them.

(Lol my WLs blend in with the pine shavings)
Here is my brooder. I am brand new to raising chickens and figured three was a good number to start with. Maybe we will add more next spring. :)
We have a three season front porch and I'm thinking about moving this brooder out there and building a little run for them on the porch. I feel like they are cramped for space. We only use the front porch for storage so we don't mind it getting messy.
Newbie here, so any tips and advice is welcomed! :)
The peeps are a week and a half old.



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