BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

What is the best breed for a broody hen ?

I would have to agree with Silkie also, my best broodies are my Silkie/Cochin x Speckled Sussex Bantam cross sisters. They both took 20+ chicks each I incubated last year without a glitch. My one blrw hen goes broody alot but only the one of them all does that. I do think many say the bantams are more broody than LF hens.
Just finished building my new outdoor brooder!! It is 2 feet wide,4 feet long and 3.5 feet tall.



I hope the chicks this June like it!!
What do y'all think of it?
[COLOR=333333]Here is a link to my IN-HOME brooder from hatch to 3 weeks. [/COLOR] [COLOR=333333] [/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]And here is my just finsihed garage brooder for 3 week until they can go outside.[/COLOR]
We finally have it done! My triple stacked brooder. The brooder is 6 foot long by 2.5 feet wide by just over 6 feet tall with the 3 inch wheels. The front two wheels have a locking clamp. I have a mirror, 2 water bottle brooder caps with bricks underneath to catch drips, homemade PVP 3 inch pipe feeder with fermented and non fermented Scratch and Peck Organic feed, a bucket with dirt and weeds, a Ecoglow 50 for heat, a roost bar for fun.
The 6 doors close like a cabinet. It is not predator proof because it is in my garage. This brooder cost me $600 to have built (not including paint, wire mesh because I had some, or the items inside.) As you can see in one of the photos, the inside inserts come out, they hold the pine shavings inside but I can remove them for easy cleaning. They are held in place by dowels.
Once I put it all together I feel like it is a little crowded for the 6 chicks 4 weeks old I have in there but there is a lot for them to do instead of a lot of empty space that does not entertain them. Besides in the daytime I will be wheeling it out onto my porch for them to enjoy the day. I can probably take the heater out since they are older and that would give them more room, but they like the shelter it provides.

What do you all think? I will read every post, and answer any questions. Thanks!

Wow you did an Awesome job on you brooder. Very nice craftsmanship and functionality.
I have brooder envy! I would love to build something like this but hatching chicks cannot be a full time gig for me so I am hoping that everyone makes it outside at some point this Spring/Summer. You live in So Cal, I am originally from there. How many chickens do you think you will eventually have and will you be using the brooders consistently all year?
This is my budget homemade brooder and my husband refuses to get any thing nice but I'm **** sure that this is going to work.

PLEASE if you have and thoughts/criticism let me know, thanks!

One for the kids to remind them not to lift the lid!

This is the plastic lid off the plastic box I bought. I have drilled some holes in the side that the box has the vent in just incase it gets too hot.
I also found an old baby towel to cover the holes with if the babies are too cold.

Inside of the brooder. Vent, 60w fireglow bulb, soft mesh matting, eating and drinking items.

My box of spares. Light bulb, cardboard egg box for food and a galvanise steel feed and the baby blanket.
I think I have covered all of the main things and have got the steel feeder for when they are in their run.

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