Brooder tips for large batches of Coturnix


9 Years
Feb 24, 2013
Cumberland Plateau, Tennessee
I'm looking for tips from others with a lot of experience hatching regular (and sometimes larger) batches of eggs. I'm getting my first batch of 100 eggs soon and am in the process of planning the conversion of an old stall into brooders, grow-out pens and breeding hutches. My intent is to staple in hardware cloth for half of the stall, making one big brooder for the first large initial batch of chicks (about 4' x 6'). Afterward, I have a large sign box that I will be stacking on top to create a "table" for more brooder space and then possibly turning the larger bottom one into a grow-out pen(s).

In the other half of the stall, I am building one set of four stacked "breeder" and "layer" hutches (2' x 3') and will probably add a second one later. I want to make sure I have PLENTY of room.

After the breeders start laying, I plan on setting anywhere from 25-40 eggs per week and am wondering how others have multiple brooders set up for regular, weekly hatches?

Thanks in advance (and please post pics)!!!! :caf

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