Broodiness Cycle

I am overrun with broodies. Too late to stop them now but the next ones will get the jail treatment. Wish I’d done that sooner.
After the chicks hatch I wouldn’t dream of taking them away from mom. They have put too much into it all. Plus they are too adorable.
I tried the fertilized eggs route wirh my broody. All eggs ended victims of my other hens. Not doing that again.
She'll just have to go to jail each time.
I tried the fertilized eggs route wirh my broody. All eggs ended victims of my other hens. Not doing that again. She'll just have to go to jail each time.
The hatched chicks or the eggs themselves?
More info on where hen was setting might help us help you figure out the problem.
My coop has 6 nest boxes. I put the eggs in the least used box. My broody was not at all aggressive. The eggs were broken when she went out for her quick food and water break. Then they disappeared.
My coop has 6 nest boxes. I put the eggs in the least used box. My broody was not at all aggressive. The eggs were broken when she went out for her quick food and water break. Then they disappeared.
So the other hens broke the eggs?
This is why is separate broodies with a wire wall in the coop.
Coop is too small for a separator. Either hens lose access to the door or boxes.

I'm just not going to try eggs naturally again. I'll just separate the broodie to break her broodiness.
Broody hen:
I past I have had broody hen's. If you have the space, i let them brood for 21-25 days, find a feed store with 1 -7 day old.chicks. on evening/night after day #23-25 , I turn off any lights , take out egg duds and live chicks. Next morning ( even that evening) she is thrilled her kids finally hatched. She then raises them for me. This has worked almost every time. I have slipped in from 3-10,chicks . She does work and it. Done this with Buff orppingtons, wydnottes & barred rocks.
Broody hen:
I past I have had broody hen's. If you have the space, i let them brood for 21-25 days, find a feed store with 1 -7 day old.chicks. on evening/night after day #23-25 , I turn off any lights , take out egg duds and live chicks. Next morning ( even that evening) she is thrilled her kids finally hatched. She then raises them for me. This has worked almost every time. I have slipped in from 3-10,chicks . She does work and it. Done this with Buff orppingtons, wydnottes & barred rocks
I have Plymouth rock hens a year old and one crazy hen became broody. For a month I put up with that, but finally I got fertile eggs and gave her 10 eggs, 8 hatched out. The eggs were from Maran hens, deep chocolate colored eggs. The babies are 2 black, 3 white, one blue, and 2 gray. The crazy ole hen is a great mother. I may keep some hens but sell the others. Will not keep roosters. My questions is how long before the hen starts laying again?? How long will that hen be broody so to speak? Will it depend on the babies growing up?

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