Brooding and DUST. Ideas? And does anyone brood with sand?

Chicken Fruit

10 Years
Feb 25, 2009
Echo Homestead
Hi all. I brood with pellets. I prefer them to shavings. I've never tried sand- though I am considering it.

I'm going to start doing this more frequently as I'll be selling birds in higher volume- I've brooded this way about 6-7 times now and it works great for me. The problem is though that everything is coated with dust. I think its a little worse with the pellets since they turn to saw dust when wet. Besides sucking all the air out of my brooder room and the heat with it, does anyone have any ideas? I hate to lose all my heat.


I'm kinda thinking maybe sand is a better idea, since it would maybe be less dusty and would hold the heat quite well. Anyone brood with sand?
I really don't think it's possible. Chickens are by nature supposed to roost in trees and roam far and wide all day so dust isn't a problem there. Give them room, don't brood in the house and vacuum up between broodings is my best advice

I don't think sand is a bad idea at all.
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I have heard that sand is not good for bedding because it can cause respiratory problems by the dust. I have also heard that the chicks mistake the sand as food and may get compacted crop. I have no experience with using sand though. What's wrong with pine shavings?
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