Brooding Hen & Eggs Status - Timeline


Jun 23, 2019
I have a brooding hen that started sitting on a clutch of eggs for a few days, then moving to another, then another and finally selected a clutch of 10 eggs that she has been sitting on for 21 days as of today. I checked under her this morning and saw no broken or hatching eggs yet. The eggs are a bit dirty and there is an odor to the nest where she is sitting on the eggs. Is this normal or do I have a problem here? I presume that some hens/eggs may take longer than 21 days to hatch but I am not sure.

We have had a lot of hot weather here (in the 90's and higher) for the last 2 weeks and rain for the last week and in the week to come. There is plenty of water and food available in the coop and outside in the run. Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks
Have you tried candling the eggs for movement over the incubation period? Yes late hatching does happen, but its a little odd for the whole bunch. Possibly the high temperatures have something to do with it, but I'm no expert. Wait until tomorrow an see, and if not you could make a safety hole, but only after candling them and seeing if the chick moves on its own.
Edit: Did the eggs get wet if you know? That could ruin the eggs as well.

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