Brooding hen


6 Years
Mar 4, 2013
Me and my wife are new to chickens. I got 5 seramas from a member here a few weeks ago. I now have a brooding hen sitting on eggs. My question is if she does incubate them and i get chicks do i remove the chicks and raise them in tubs with the heat i have been reading about or can i leave them with the flock? I am Thomas and my wife is Connie we live in San Antonio. Thanks
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I wouldn't leave them with the flock, but if you want momma to raise them seperate her and the chicks into a different pen or area. Our momma's usually give up around 4 to 5 weeks and want back with the others. We then just let the little ones get bigger before we put them in with the big girls, usually between 16 and 17 weeks.
Or you could put them in a brooder with the heat lamps and such until they grow. Good luck to you both.

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