Broody Black Copper Marans stopped setting. chicks are hatching

john in wa

10 Years
Mar 31, 2009
this is the second time this year she has went broody. both times she stopped setting after 2 weeks. went out today to check on her and there was 10 eggs and no hen. the eggs are cold but i broke out the extra incubator and put them in. the last time i was able to hatch a few out of her abandoned eggs.. I will not let her go broody again if she start to set i will gather the eggs and lock up the hen to stop her from setting.
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My BCM hen, Fancy, was broody for THREE MONTHS! I finally kept taking her off the nest everytime I saw her and she finally came out of it. Of course at the time, I didn't have a rooster........LOL
I hate it when they do that!

I love broody hens in general - no need to babysit the incubator! But some broodies just can't be trusted. I wouldn't let her try to hatch eggs again.
This will be the last time i let her set. the first time i thought it may of been my fault. I moved her nest box to keep the other hens out of it. so this time i locked up the other hens to keep them from laying in her nest and she still stopped just days before hatch time.
well the eggs i saved from the nest are hatching today.i have 2 chicks out and 8 more pips. i will update when i think the hatch is over with the total.

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