Broody, Broody, Broody and More!!!! Questions....


11 Years
Aug 18, 2008
Easley, SC
Ok, I have had one broody a few years ago and I let her set on 7 of her own eggs (Gold Sebright) and she hatched them all. However I sold her very soon afterwards with her chicks and her roo.

So here I am now with 7, yes 7 broody hens. I have 3 Cuckoo Marans sharing a milk crate with around 10ish eggs in it. There maybe more, I don't know.

I also have 2 Buff Cochins from my Mille line sitting on about 6 eggs each and 2 Mottled Cochins on about 6 each.

We're getting close to hatch time and I was wondering if I can leave the hens in their pens to raise their chicks or if it was necessary to take them out. I don't want chicks to be picked on and most of them are with other hens or roosters?

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