Broody Chicken/Pale Comb and Waddles


May 6, 2017
I have a first year broody chicken who has been setting on 1 unfertilized egg for a couple weeks now. I noticed her comb and waddles are extremely pale. Is this normal while setting? Or something I should be more concerned about??
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All of my broodies (bantam cochins) get very pale at about the 2 week Mark as well. Their combs go pale and shrink back down to pullet size. Then after they break from being broody, they get their red, big girl combs back in about 2 weeks.
Unless she is showing other signs of being sick, I wouldn't worry. That said, if your not going to give her eggs to hatch (might be a bit too late for that now through), I would break her from being broody.
The way I like to break broodies is to place them in a wire bottom cage with nothing but food and water and hang the cage about a foot off of the ground. This will usually break then in 3 days or less.
Good luck with your beautiful girl.
Phew! That's reassuring :) Yes she's right around the 2 week mark (her first time being really broody after hitting maturity, so I let her sit to see how the process works....I'm new to backyard chickens - so I was a bit curious). I hand fed her some meal worms and she finally came off her egg to be with her sisters and drink some water. She seemed totally normal (not weak, not acting funny...). I'll keep an eye on her and try to snap her out of this broodiness. Thank you so much for the advice!!

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